Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Rainy October Day at the Farm - Rewaxing the Outerwear

Rain on the farm tamps field work.  But we save up some activities to take advantage of the inclement conditions.. 

One such activity is rewaxing the coats and overalls for winter.  This task keeps the waxed cotton garments in service, rain-proof and thorn-proof, for many more years. We do this every fall in preparation for winter.

First, we heat the wax dressing to soften it.. 

Then we rub it in thoroughly, paying special attention to the seams.  Soft rags work well.  We let it dry for at least 24 hours and then rub off the excess wax.

It is not the worst way to spend a rainy afternoon.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Five Signs that Fall has Arrived on Barberry Hill Farm

Here are five signs that fall has arrived on Barberry Hill Farm.

1. The Turkeys are Getting Ready for Thanksgiving and Meat Birds are Plumping Nicely; Both are Ready for Orders

A 29 Pound Turkey

2 Pound Cornish Rock Hens

2. Fall Flowers are Out

Brightening up our Farm Stand

3. We are Scoping Out the Best Materials for Christmas Wreaths for the Winter Markets..

Doing Some Test Wreaths

Putting Our Old Boxes to Use (and they will get a third use when we ship out our handmade wreaths)
We are taking orders for custom wreaths, which we also ship.  They will also be available at our stand and farmers markets, starting just after Thanksgiving. 

4. Pumpkins are Everywhere

5. Ursa Gets Even More Playful (according to me)/ Annoying (according to Bear)

Bear is Patient

Ursa Exercising the Pastured Turkeys

Monday, October 10, 2011

Making Hay While the Sun Shines

The town of Madison has a lot of grass to mow on the various town properties.  But one place they don't have to mow is the Bauer Park.  Kingsley does it for free and we use the hay to feed many of our animals during the winter.

Sometimes the antique Farmall and New Holland baler needs a bit of coaxing. 

Don't try this on your lawnmower!

I took a turn.

The fields have to be cut, then raked (or tedded), then baled.

The clear fields are great for running...

...and exploring (here, a Monarch butterfly caterpillar).

Back at the farm we load the hay into the loft...

...with plenty of help.