There are no lack of signs of summer around a farm. There are the crops, of course. And the fast growing ducks reach their adult size and coloring.
But it is a certain plant that announces the new season as unambiguously as a dinner bell.
And no, it is not the roses. They are out, but have been out for a while at this point.
And no, it is not the roses. They are out, but have been out for a while at this point.
My personal, most reliable indicator is a poisonous weed so distasteful that even the sheep leave it alone. (And they love poison ivy.) It is foxglove. And every year its purplish/pinkish flowers with speckled throats let me know that spring is indeed over, and summer has begun.
It is a biennial, so don't look for it in the same spot as last year. |
Alternative Sign of Summer: Raccoons become parents, as did the one who left these prints behind at a friend's this morning. |
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