We at Barberry Hill Farm are committed to producing the highest quality vegetables and other farm products. This means that we have to continually learn. While we can do a lot of it through books and chat rooms, we occasionally also take field trips to neighboring (or not so neighboring) farms.
One trip that we recently took was to Lumen Christi in Benson, Vermont. The Sisters of Mercy own Lumen Christi and run it as a spiritual retreat and organic farm. Sister Holly for years has volunteered at Barberry Hill, and now is running Lumen Christi with Sister Leslie. She invited us up for an information exchange on sustainability and crop optimization.
Remodeling the sheep barn
Grace, partial to the kid Alpines
Sister Holly and Sister Leslie arranged for a learning dinner with famous author John Fedor- Cunningham and naturalist David Fedor-Cunningham.
John's book, Organic Gardening for the 21st Century an asset to anyone who cares even remotely how their food is grown.
The village of Benson, Vermont has its own charm.
We also took the opportunity to visit the Book Dairy Farm in neighboring Fair Haven, Vermont.
The Book brothers milking parlor, handling 12 Holsteins at a set.
Bruce Book proudly showing the 100% survival rate of calves using a modified hoop house as a calf barn. |
We will miss all of our new friends. |
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