Friday, March 23, 2012

Lambing Season

"If it weren't for lambing and sugaring, I'd never make it through this time of year" quoted Reeve Linbergh in Richard Brown's The View from the Kingdom.  The two have always been intertwined with each other and March in New England. We  found this newborn lamb in the field, literally minutes old.

She was the second, and much smaller, of twins.
Kingsley led the new family to the barn.

Farm animals parade of intrigue.
There, he dried her off, encouraged her to eat, and introduced her to the very inquisitive Mabel.
Water and hay while mother and lamb bond
The next morning found little Fanny doing well...  

A friend came over to get in some lamb time.
Now, all of the lambs are thriving - active and eating heartily.

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